Thursday, December 27, 2007
mink creek
the next few days is kind of a blur. i read a book, slept a lot, my phone broke, ate food, played in the snow, slept some more, ate more food...
eventually, the rest of the family cam up. we had christmas eve as usual. santa came and i told him what i wanted, we played chimes, bingo and of course, bloody smash. we piled up in the car to head back to danville. it was pretty crowded for the first couple hours when we had lindsey and all her luggage piled on our laps, but after that we were fine. it was a long drive (made even longer due to a detour which was a result of missing a certain freeway ramp) but we eventually made it home to play some guitar hero III.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Allison is
now we all have the freedom to write whatever we want for our status! except, now i'm finding it difficult to think of things to say without 'is'. but, that it ok too, because i can still type it in if i want to.
the only problem now, is that i'm finding my name to be a burden. i still have to talk about myself in the third person. i kind of just want to state what i think, where i am, or what i'm doing and not have to say 'allison'. another problem with removing the 'is' is that i'm afraid it's just going to turn into a place to put a quote or thought or something. this isn't myspace people! this is still your status! if i want to know what you think, or what someone else thinks, i'll read your information. but when i read your status, i want to see what your status is.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
hp support
the guy who helped me was awesome. he asked me what time it was where i was and i told him 11:40 p.m. i asked him what time it was where he was and he told me 12:40 p.m. (in india) we had to wait for something to download and became really good friends in the meantime. he asked me about school and what i was doing for christmas. i told him i was going to my grandparent's house and he started talking about how good grandparents are and he can never say much when he is with his because they have so much knowledge to impart on him. he used the words, "they being expedient in life than us" to describe his grandparents. i wrote the quote down because it was such a good one.
i can gladly say that hp support guy helped me out. another case closed.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
temple square
we were ready for salt lake! we get in the van and take off. it's a good thing i brought a newspaper so i could work on sudoku and crossword puzzles while we drove because it took us fifty minutes to get to the walmart on university pkwy. it was snowing so hard and there was so mush traffic. once we reached the walmart parking lot, we brushed the snow off the car and turned around. looks like we weren't going to make it to temple square after all :(
we got about 100 feet and the van we were following pulled over to help a truck (very similar to chad's old blue R.I.P) because it was stuck. some people got out to help push (i stayed inside, it was snowing!) the truck pulled away and the other van pulled away. once everyone got back in the van, we started for home, the only problem, we weren't moving. immediately, we all got out and were ready to push. this day had been long enough already. now may be a good time to mention that our van was full of girls. there were ten girls and only two boys. hurray. so we start pushing, and pushing, and pushing. the wheels are spinning mud all over my legs (not helping with staying warm).
i'm such a good pusher! of course we were taking pictures! it was for the sake of the blog! and then it starts to get cold...
anyway, we are running the van up the hill and it takes off! without most of us! we are running (and i mean running) after it. we run about a mile uphill until the van finally decides to stop and let us in. i was so tired. couldn't even function. took me about a day to recover. it's pretty funny now though! me and helen took a bunch of after pictures but they are all too embarrassing to post on the internet.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
scrabulous and pacman
i was never good at scrabble, but now that it's on a computer, i'm suddenly quite competent. so invite me to play a game with you! it'll be fun!
i also play pacman. i'm not very good though. especially compared to jenny and chelsea...but i'm working at it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Jacuzzi at Super 8 Motel
My new favorite thing to do in Provo is to go hot tubbing! Me and Brittney discovered that the Super 8 Motel across Canyon has a pool and Jacuzzi! It’s not the best, but it works for me! We walked over in the freezing cold (almost literally) and waited outside the building for someone to let us in; and we spent all night sitting in the Jacuzzi. Dalton joined us later. It is basically the best thing ever. I’m going to start finding other hotels/motels with better Jacuzzi facilities. This one was just a bit small for my liking, but I guess I can’t really be picky. But if ever you’re bored in P-town, just give me a call and we’ll find a Jacuzzi!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
long boarding
Last night I went long boarding with Brittney, TC, and Andrew. I’m not very good, but I’m getting better! We were at Helaman Halls and these random guys starting talking to us. They were really funny. My favorite one was Big G. Yes, that is how he introduced himself. His friends were Aaron, and some other kid who gave us a different name every time we asked. They were really funny. They called Andrew the Alpha Male of the group, which he really liked. We talked to them for probably twenty minutes until we were sick of doing nothing in the freezing cold. I am sad that I’ll probably never see Big G, Aaron, and Sean/Scott/… again. Ok, not that sad, but they entertained me.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Giving thanks
Thanksgiving was awesome! I flew to Danville, CA for my break and it was really fun. I hit up In-n-out, union square, the golden gate bridge, bloody smash, a four mile hike, shopping, some turkey, guitar hero, and the target with the really cool escalator the takes your cart downstairs for you. It was so nice to have a break from school. And I forgot how funny my family can be. I brought a half filled suit case home and brought back way more (I would tell you exactly how much but that might be embarrassing).
Sunday, November 25, 2007
national carbonated beverage with caffeine day
what do i get when i go there? i get a polish dog, with special sauce and a pickle. don't forget the wonderfully delicious diet pepsi! best lunch/dinner ever!
if you come visit me in provo, there is no doubt, i will help you discover the beautiful creation that is a j-dawg.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
the waffle
My favorite thing to make myself at the cannon center is a waffle. Jenny came up with the idea, but Brittney and I have carried on the tradition. This isn’t just any waffle though. A lot of time and preparation goes into making this wonderful waffle. I only eat this waffle if I really feel like giving myself a treat. It can only be eaten as a dessert. First, you make a waffle. Do not use whole wheat batter. It does not taste good. Next, sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Let sit until chips melt. Spread peanut butter (chunky is best) over chocolate chips. Pour on maple syrup. Place vanilla ice cream over entire creation. Many variations can be done to make the waffle your own, but after trying out various toppings, I have decided that the plain waffle is best for me.
Monday, November 19, 2007
clean out your refrigerator
and...i go home on wednesday! so excited!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
saturday is a special day...
after this adventure, we visited chris at work, and now i'm blogging. trying to put off writing a paper for as long as possible. it is on euthanasia...my fifth paper on euthanasia this semester. sounds like great fun, huh? well, i hope you all have fun on your day off. i'll be in the library, trying to write eight more pages on a subject i really don't know anything about.
tomorrow: sunday
dan in real life
i was a little worried at the beginning when the man who plays michael scott on the office was supposed to be playing the role of a single father of three girls. but he totally pulled it off. i was also a little worried when i saw dane cook walk into the scene. i was preparing for comedy hour, but was pleasantly surprised when he took the role seriously. i loved that norbert leo butz was in this movie. i saw him in dirty rotten scoundrels at the OCPAC. he even sung a little (very little) in the movie...but at least he sang! it was a pretty good story, except i did feel like it was a rip off of the family stone...basically the same story...but still a good movie.
go and see it.
tomorrow: homemade bread day
Thursday, November 15, 2007
a democrat is coming!
it took me until about half way through the class to figure out who this guy even was. everyone kept referring to him as "the democrat". he ended up being quite interesting. i laughed out loud a few times. he started getting in fights with some of the students in my class. he was all up in this one kid's face...and wasn't giving democrats a very good name.
but he did have some very good things to say. he asked everybody who cared about our environment to raise their hands. there were probably twenty hands in the air...out of 200. it was really sad. when he asked why, the kid next to me mumbled "because there are enough nuts doing it already..." i wanted to punch him in the face, but refrained.
tomorrow: button day, national moms and dads day
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Star Wars Day
tomorrow: national clean out your refrigerator day
Monday, November 12, 2007
...nunchuck skills...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
my student development class is a business lecture series. we have a different speaker each week telling us about the different aspects of business we could go into after graduating from the business school. mike phelps was here to talk about being a financial advisor.
he started the class by giving us a little background about himself, telling everyone where he was from. after he said california, some kid called out (obviously from california too), and then everyone from california started calling out what city they are from. i knew what this was leading too and held my breath. mike phelps said, "we have some true irvinites with us today" (nick jordan was also there) and then he told the class that he was my semianry teacher and what a great person i am--which i'm sure everyone already knows ;) it was the craziest thing ever!
today: veteran's day
Saturday, November 10, 2007
does this mean helen's a nerd?
Friday, November 9, 2007
does this mean i'm a nerd?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
the office
i don't mean to trivialize the situation, but part of me is glad that it's over. let's face it, this season just hasn't been as good as the previous ones. i've been a fan from the beginning and continue to watch...but i have been a little disappointed. i don't know...maybe i'm wrong. maybe it's just different because i don't watch it with the same people anymore? or maybe it's because there's no more guessing with jim and pam? or maybe it's not as good because everyone and their mother is a crazy fan? we'll see what life is like post-office...
tomorrow: national bittersweet chocolate with almonds day
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
haunted forest and halloween
Thursday, October 25, 2007
a sip is worth a thousand words.
1. fill cup, drink soda. this is the masculine way to down a drink. there is no straw involved. this is how real men drink.
2. fill cup, put straw in, drink soda. this is a feminine way to drink. any man who drinks this way is either gay or has the potential to be. with the straw just floating freely in the liquid, it allows the girl to stir, lift, and sip. it gives the person sipping more freedom to use their hands in the drinking process. this can be used as a flirting device, thus making it a feminine action.
3. fill cup, put lid on, put straw in, drink soda. this one can go either way. this is the method men use if they want use a straw while still appearing masculine. it's all about the stability of the straw. girls can also use this method if not counting on using their straw to flirt. so if you're not sure, use this method.
i hope we all think about how we are using our straws in the future. and watch out because i'll be analyzing your every sip.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
mid terms
one thing that's really different about college vs. high school is that i'm learning how to study. my new favorite place on campus is the library (it used to be the math lab). ok, so maybe these aren't my favorites...but they are the ones i frequent the most. what a geek, huh! oh well...what's a girl to do?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
bored in poli sci
what has been happening lately you ask? let's see...
lindsey came up for conference weekend. that was really fun. we ate breakfast in salt lake one morning at a really cute restaurant and then went to Hatch Family Chocolates! it's run by little people which basically makes it awesome. we had a few photo shoots and just had fun.
i've been having midterms this last week and i'm glad those are coming to an end. (my last one is on monday!)
my tap teacher asked me to be her TA! that was really exciting. but i found out today that i don't get class credit or anything...so it's not that exciting anymore.
my teacher is talking about how red pens are being banned in schools because it is unfriendly. purple is the new color to use. my teacher has really funny hair...reminds me of the sixties in utah--imagine that!
i'm learning how to drive a stick shift on saturday! scary!
it hailed today in provo. but don't worry, i was safe inside.
can't think of anything else to write right now...but i feel much better about blogging. i think i'll start doing it again! so prepare yourself internet world! allison fife is back!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
fraggle rock
dance your cares away!
worries for another day!
let the music play!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
spectacular! spectacular!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
true blue
btw: congrats natalie for making divine comedy!
Monday, September 17, 2007
a spritz a day can't keep the tap teacher away
i had tap today, my favorite class! but it was so strange today! i've really only had one other tap teacher in my life, monie adamson. she was the basically the best dance teacher i ever had. and the most memorable thing about her was her scent. i've never met anyone else in the world that wore the same perfume as her...until today. colleen west, my new tap teacher, was wearing it today. i was seriously so confused! it was a total flashback to all the previous tap classes i've had in my life. how ironic is that? the only two people to wear this perfume (to my knowledge) are both tappers and both my teachers...chew on that one.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
mr. cool
Saturday, September 15, 2007
old ladies
Friday, September 14, 2007
won't you take me to...funkytown!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
happy sumo!
Monday, September 10, 2007
saran wrap : )
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Pirates of Penzance
Saturday, September 8, 2007
it's raining! its pouring!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
we have problem...
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My New Friend
Friday, August 24, 2007
August to August
Thursday, August 23, 2007
oh what a night!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
t-shirt quilt
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Berkeley Part II
here's a close-up...
and look! you can't even tell! just don't sit in the corner...
we ate dinner at naan 'n' curry. we had naan and curry.
Friday, August 17, 2007
color me yours
Thursday, August 16, 2007
thanks yuki!
I went to wingstop for what I thought would be the last time in a long time. Yuki was there and we chatted for a bit and after ordering the staple “Two can dine for 11.99” yuki only charged us $1.82! how amazing is that?!?!?! I guess it pays to frequent wingstop…and don’t worry, we def gave yuki a tip.
the wings tasted good. and so did the fries. and so did the diet coke!
i admit, i went again the next day and the wings were even better! what am i going to do without you wingstop?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Hair to Dye for!
why you ask? let me tell you! carlos ramirez, aka hair genius, needed models for a photo shoot he was involved in. he asked me if i would do it, and i said yes! i drove down to irvine on friday, colored my hair on saturday (it was even free!) and shot the photos on sunday.
the photoshoot was quite a funny experience. i tried on a few outfits, got my make-up done (it was quite the sight to see) and had my hair straightened. i didn't look like myself at all! i can't wait until i get the pictures. i shot a couple of "looks," repeated the whole process and then i was done!
if your ever looking at a stylebook while waiting to get your hair done and happen to see me, don't be surprised...of course who is to say you'll even recognize me?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
My New Hot Tub
There are a lot of cool things about this hot tub. For instance, the other day when I was at the grocery store, I found these really cool rubber duckies to put in the water. When their tummies get wet, they light up! They are really cute, but like to get stuck in the filters a lot.
Another neat thing is when you are relaxing the water you can see all the wildlife in my backyard. Like today, there was a baby deer and a mommy deer. They were pretty cute.
Sometimes if you are really lucky, someone will even come and swim with you! Earlier, my mom was showing my brother the hot tub, and he noticed a little frog. I had to go and fish it out since the water was a little to warm for the little guy to handle. It was actually quite sad and a little bit gross. It kinda makes me want to empty the spa and re-chlorinate it...we'll see if any of Kermit's friends want to swim with us again.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I finished the final installment of the Harry Potter series! It was pretty good. I do have a few complaints however. First of all, why has it taken so long for the last book to come out? I mean…come on! I read the first book in fifth grade and I have to wait until after I’ve graduated from high school for the last one? Another complaint: I really didn’t like the epilogue. It was too nice of an ending. Too happy, too perfect. I would have liked it to end when it ended, let me imagine what happens to Harry, I don’t need to be told that everything works out perfectly for everyone in the end. And I really wish I hadn't known what Harry names his children. who wants to be named Albus Severus? and it was way too confusing to have the other children named after his parents...I had to keep going back and reading things over to make sure I knew who was being talked about.
About the ending; personally, I think I would have liked it if Harry had died. Make him the tragic hero he deserves to be! Oh well…I guess I a lot of people would have been upset by that, even though we were all expecting it (including Harry himself). I read an article in Newsweek yesterday comparing Harry to Jesus Christ, being resurrected and all. the chapter after Harry dies is called "King's Cross" after all. but what is all that supposed to mean? It's a little too deep for me I guess...
It sounds like all I have are complaints, but I really did like the book. And I definitely recommend it to anyone who was thinking about reading it and just haven’t gotten around to it. it was nice to finally have Voldermort defeated for the last time, now the wizarding world can rest easy.
P.S. For all you true HP fans, I have I question. There was one part of the story I didn’t quite understand. When Harry is talking to Voldermort about the elder wand he says that Draco is the true master of the wand until he is defeated by Harry. How is this so? Did Draco defeat Dumbledore and I just don’t remember? Help me please!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
danville, ca
Friday, August 3, 2007
last days in irvine
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Here's What I've Been Up To
graduation! it's true, i graduated. i could have done without the long boring ceremony but it was worth it for ruth's chris afterward! i've been waiting to go there since i was in middle school and finally got to for graduation. best. food. ever.

the journey begins
this is what we slept in...
we made it!
skydiving! the next week, i went skydiving! it was amazing! i was so scared in that airplane getting ready to jump out. i'd definitely have to say the worst part was when i was have way out of the airplane, not allowed to hold onto anything and the only reason i hadn't fallen already was because i was attached to a complete stranger...! after the jump though, it was the coolest free fall ever! and then when i, well he, pulled the chute, it was so peaceful. we stopped at wingstop after of course.

Monday, June 11, 2007
things to think about.
I hope I'm never "between a rock and a hard place." it sounds like a really uncomfortable and possibly painful place to be. my econ teacher seems to say that phrase almost everyday. i didn't really notice it until a few weeks ago when she said it about seven times in three minutes. at that point i had stopped thinking about aggregate demand and Keynesian theory and started focusing on all the weird things she says. "skulking around" is another one--how that came up in econ, I'll never know.
cop a squat. i always thought it was pop a squat...not sure why, but it makes more sense to me. what exactly does "cop" mean? the closest definition on dictionary.com was to steal. but are you stealing the squat? is a squat something that can be taken away? please, if you can, shed some light on the matter for me.
really is an adverb. i was thinking about the game, in the manner of the adverb, and was trying to think of really hard adverbs--to make the game a little more exciting. i searched my brain for all words ending in -ly and came up with really. after looking it up in my spanish-english translater, it was confirmed. really is an adverb. this gave new depth to the word for me. its not necessarily just a degree of something anymore. it means to do something real-ly. this is amazing to me...sorry if you don't share the same enthusiasm.
love is worth forgiving for--this was my favorite line in Jekyll & Hyde. thought this would be a good place for it.
um...that's it i guess...what have you been thinking about?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
ap tests are over!
Section 2 began later. i broke the seal to the essay writing portion and started reading the prompts. i'm a little mad at the people who made up the test, because they used seven pages when they could have used two...paper wasters! anyway, i'm pretty sure i was not prepared for prompt 1, and as a result, was forced to skip it. prompt 2 was a little better, but i probably would have done better if i had a photographic memory and had memorized my text book. prompt 3 i could answer! it was a good question, that we had talked about in class extensively (at the time i thought a little too extensively since it wasn't even a difficult subject). i was finished with my test a little early and started looking around the classroom. here are some things i noticed: there was a really annoying cricket, edward hopper is one of my favorite artists, you do not need five pencils to take a scan tron test...one will suffice, you shouldn't wear a Davy Crockett hat while taking a scan tron test...people will think you're strange.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Jekyll & Hyde
ms. tang 2

she said no...
Monday, April 30, 2007
ms. tang
my chinese teacher
always wear cute sho-es
will be my prom date.
hair as black as coal
where is the decoder pen?
why not check your purse?
you make english fun
stop staring at my pictures
tell your "husband" hi!
what is your last name?
is it tang or is it ku?
you cannot have both.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
dirty mouth?
out of orbits eleven flavors, my favorites are spearmint and mint mojito (exotic new flavor). so tell me, how do you do the sugarfree gum?
tomorrow: Walpurgisnacht
best night ever!
so, tonight started off with wingstop (as the best ones usually do). lacey, emily and i ordered 25 wings!...plus chad's 10...and almost ate them all! what can i say? they were good. (i also drank an entire diet pepsi and it's refill--you may need this information later on) we left wingstop to meet lindsey and bruce at alton square. why? because they're cool. after parking in front of golden spoon and listening to a bit of timbaland, yeah baby! we departed for mason park where we were to meet annum and deannie. turns out mason park was closed or something so we went to uni parking lot instead. we danced and spun in circles and hid in trunks (this is where all that caffeine comes in) until at 11:25 we had the brilliant idea to go toilet papering! we immediately left for cvs (which makes me happy). when emily and i arrived we ran out of the car, into cvs and straight to the toilet paper aisle. well, maybe not straight...it wasn't that easy to find. we grabbed the 12 roll pack and headed for the register. by that time deannie and annum had finally arrived and we handed the man all the $1 we could muster, told him to keep the change and ran out of there before he had even opened the register. we quickly drove to c******* c****'s house (the time was 12:44) and put our toilet papering knowledge to the test. if you ask me, we did a pretty good job for only having 6 minutes! for you see...it was only 6 minutes until none other but c******* c****'s dad appears from the backyard. not even a second later four girls were running down the street as fast as they're legs would go (we left all the toilet paper, if you were wondering...oops...)! it was so amazing. i don't even remember the last time i went toilet papering. all i have to say, is that i'm going to start doing it a little more often...so watch out, and don't make me mad! haha...jk. but seriously...
tomorrow: nothing special.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
pussy cat dolls
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
things that make me happy:
only having four classes
knowing someone is thinking about me when i rip my straw wrapper
hearing my phone beep...means i have a text!
celebrating random holidays just becuase i know about them
dancing around my house when nobody else is there
smelling roses
watching 24 with Deannie and Lacey in high def.
bubble baths
long showers
people commenting my blog
my pink room
afternoon naps
CVS pharmacy
new clothes
my planner
making lists
singing at the top of my lungs when nobody is listening
using all the ink in a pen
going to the jacuzzi on cold nights
full tanks of gas
golden spoon
getting freckles in the summer
walks at night
bagels on a saturday morning
tomorrow: animal crackers day
Monday, April 16, 2007
April showers bring May flowers?
April is:
-poetry month
-cancer control month
-keep america beautiful month
-listening awareness month (what is this?)
-national garden month (what about may flowers?)
-national food month (YUM!)
-stress awareness month
-national florida tomato month (?)
-thai heritage month (Sawatdee Khrab!)
-communinty services month
have a fun April!
tomorrow: National Cheeseball Day (that doesn't mean you can be a cheeseball...)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
spring break!
tomorrow: national stress awareness day...fitting right? since we're going back to school and all...just remember not to stress too much! hakuna matata.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
this is where i'm going next year!
We will fight, day or night, rain or snow.
Loyal, strong, and true
Wear the white and blue.
While we sing, get set to spring.
Come on Cougars it's up to you. Oh!
Rise and shout, the Cougars are out
along the trail to fame and glory.
Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out
As you unfold your victr'y story.
On you go to vanquish the foe for Alma Mater's sons and daughters.
As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong.
We'll raise our colors high in the blue
And cheer our Cougars of BYU.
Monday, February 26, 2007
cup noodles

Sunday, February 25, 2007
back to the future
i miust admit, i have used this technique in the past to make it seem like i didn't write four blogs in one day...kind of like tonight...
i'm sorry if you are reading this in the future...
today: national tortilla chip day
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
cherry pie
Monday, February 19, 2007
talking trashcans...
tomorrow: national cherry pie (makes me think of the song cherry pie. i think i'll go play guitar hero now...)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
comments on comments
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Current Obsessions
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
the next day, we continued on our journey to provo! dropped our stuff off at beth nelson's house hannah's cousin) and went to the byu campus to talk to admissions (nothing exciting). then me and hannah took carson's car hostage and met lauren at the mall! where we sat on a bench until we went to pick carson up...got ready for the evening, spentalmost an hour trying to find paul huggans, got dropped off with hannah and lauren at some beauty school and piled into paul's two-seater pick-up. it was kinda funny watching paul drive a stick shift in between hannah's legs. later that night after a few unforgettable games of tetris, hannah, paul and i went to a dance party at Glenwood Apartments. we walked in, stayed for a few minutes, manuevered our way out again (it was so crowded) and stood outside talking about how someone should yell BOMB! so everyone would run out, when to our surprise, we hear BOOM! AHHHH! and then saw a bunch of people running out...of course, we run back in, and see that that floor had totally caved in! the carpet was still intact, but the foundation had fallen through the basement!
next day, hannah and i drop carosn off at his audition and take a tour of paul mitchell...hannah needs to go there! it was way cool! don't really remember what we did for the rest of the day...but that night, carson, chris, the simmons, and i went to see alyssa in oklahoma. it was good. after, we had to stand outside waiting for alyssa--it was so cold! i'm not sure what i'm going to do if i move up there! after that, i went to meet up with hannah, paul and jordan. we drove around for a while...doing nothing, and that was the end.
woke up really early next moring, stopped for krispy kremes of course, and started on our way home. we kept seeing this truck that said SHWING! and it made me laugh...i got pictures. we also saw these two really macho men driving a car with FERGIE on their license plate. pretty fun trip if you ask me!
Monday, February 5, 2007
wing stop
Wednesday, January 17, 2007