Monday, February 5, 2007

wing stop

i hesitate to blog about this, because oncethis place gets too big, it won't be the same. i was recently converted to this new way of eating and i love it! what i get there: mild wings with ranch and diet coke. yum! yum! the last time i went there, i tried an atomic wing. mind you, these wings are so hot, when one is three feet away, you feel your nose hairs begins to twitch. i almost cried, but held in the tears. after eating it, i didn want to throw up for about three hours afterward, but decided that making it pass through my throat again would be considered torturous in some countries. who else ate these you ask? well, lacey and deannie joined me in the one atomic eating extravaganze, brought on by chad eating 11 in ten minutes (training for upcoming competetion). michael roberts also ate one, and cried! and cedric (the beast) balderama ate five in thirty seconds flat! it was funny because all of the sudden he reaached over, grabbed the plate, and scarfed 'em before anyone even realized what he was doing. hence, his new nickname, the beast. luckily, lacey caught all of the action on camera!

1 comment:

LARA said...

oh wow. wing stop. i love. craving... must... have... wing stop. ♥