Sunday, February 13, 2011

22 years later...

Friday was my birthday and it was so much fun! I slept in until 9, sewed a pair of mittens, taught a tap class, made some cupcakes, went to DI and bought sweaters, took a nap with todd, went to a fun new restaurant, and then had a party!

Sophie was so cute and decorated the apartment. she's a really good speller...

We ate here. I recommend it. Keri doesn't.

Lots of people came to the party. It was fun. A little bit of music, a lit christmas tree to create a good ambiance, champaign glasses with martinelli's, award winning chocolate chip cookies, and flaming cupcakes! here's what they should have looked like...

...but its didn't work all that well. which was a bummer because the practice run the night before was a total success. don't worry though, keri saved the day and filled them with hand sanitizer, which apparently burns great!

reasons why birthdays are great:
golden spoon gift cards!
cakebites! (gotta love the sweet tooth fairy)
tickets to riverdance! (dream of mine since i was a little girl)
cutest new juicer ever!
sweaters for mittens!


Anonymous said...

like tht place is great if you like weird food..
and brandon was the brains behind the hand sanitizer. but i invited him so basically it was my idea haha
youre welcome


Nicki Dunn said...

happy birthday dearest. you are fabulous.