Wednesday, October 4, 2006

My Friend Shadee

so i have this friend named shadee. she sits behind me in psychology and it is fun. if it weren't for her, i might actually pay attention in that class...which we all know would be terribly boring! i do however have to pay attention when she is surfing the net on her cell phone, which is how she is reading this blog right now, or getting people to sign her out of clas...cough cough eric. we are doing a an expirement in this third period class together and so today, we went and made copies of a test we are giving to see how smart people in advanced drama are--that'll be exciting! it was an eventful trip. shadde, eric, and i climbed into my car after fifth and drove to shadee's apartment complex where we could use the copy machine for free. it was kind of a disaster and took a long time. after calling the people working at the leasing office over twice, due to the running out of paper and a paper jam, we started making what turned out to be 230 copies (front and back). we waited a long time and passed the time by singing (loudly) in the laundry room which had really good acoustics. when the printer ran out of toner, we diecided to fix thr problem oursleves...which resulted in getting toner all over the place and the copier still wouldn't copy--we needed help again, and the toner-fairy came to the rescue! it was a pretty exciting day, you wish you were there. so to shadee, i have one more thing to say. i love you. i'm glad i exist.

tomorrow: national taco day


LARA said...

"i love you. i'm glad i exist." did you mean to say that you're glad SHE exists? maybe not. maybe you have some inside joke about that...i don't know.
Good blog. not the least bit serious... i'll work on making mine less serious haha

Allison Fife said...

shadee had to memorize a poem about an orange for drama class and the last line was, "i love you. i'm glad i exist." which is really funny.

me :) said...

She's got a shady name.