Friday, October 13, 2006

It's been a while...

so i just realized today that i haven't even logged onto blogger all week! i'm surprised at myself. i was even more surprised when i went on lindsey's blog and she had four new posts! i've had intentions all week long of writing a post but just haven't found the time. i still need to write about last weekends adventure! it started on saturday night, about nine o'clock. i started my night by going to the gym (go me!). after an extensive workout (as if i've EVER had an extensive workout) carson and i gathered our dixie cupping supplies. after lauren joined us we went to pick up chris tilley (whose first name, i've decided, cannot be said without the last) and commenced our journey. we had one problem, we had no idea who to attack! eventually we decided on monique moore, who had just moved into a brand new house with a huge porch. we took our 1200 cups and 15 gallons of water to her front door step. this was a really risky endeavor because everyone in her house was awake, and the lights were on. there were also many windows with no coverings. the job took us over an hour to do, and we had to refill the water coolers mid-cupping. the reason it took so long, was because we were delayed by the laugh attacks. thanks again lauren, or should i say karen, for telling us about your ESPN...and don't worry, we don't all hate you. when we had finally finished, carson and chris went to go get their phones to take pictures of our beautiul masterpiece (i'll show them to you if you ask). meanwhile i was laying next to the cups and lauren and i were talking about none other than this very blog. all of the sudden, lauren falls to the ground. someone had spotted us. we run as fast as we can and dive into carson's car. i can't believe we got caught! even though it was past one in the morning we had to continue the tradition of going to donut star after dixie cupping. what a night. hopefully there will be many more of these to beware!


me :) said...

Please use a larger font.

LARA said...

so too bad i didn't really mean to e-mail you my comment. so i'll rewrite it here as best i can from memory...

FINA-FREAKIN-LLY! i've been waiting all week for you to post. good post. very descriptive. i enjoyed reading about your endeavor... even though i already heard the story in person.

Anonymous said...

yay! i've been waiting for this one!:) amazing night!

Anonymous said...

Wohoo Best night ever :) and i'm in you blog hahahaha i feel so ummm idk acknowledge hahaha but yes amazing we should go again!!!!

me :) said...

your life is too exciting to not blog more. I want to see pictures from the review on your blog...and I'm sure their are some good stories too.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness. little did we know that this one night's adventure would lead to so many more mischevious nights to come! hahahah yesss sucha great beginning to our epic nights :)