Friday, March 12, 2010


i finally finished my book, the elegance of the hedgehog. i'm embarrassed to tell you how long it took me. there are a few reasons it took me forever, and some could not be avoided. first of all, i had to wiki EVERYTHING at first. like philosophers, and authors, and all the little things the author added so that only really smart people could understand this book. my next problem was that it was a book we were reading for book club (which has dissolved) and when i'm told what to read and when to read it by, my pace grows ever slower. thirdly, i started reading jonathon foer's extremely loud and incredibly close--it was too good to put down. last of all, my library fines were getting a little out of after renewing it a couple times and still only being a third of the way through...i just returned it and decided i would check it out again in a couple months. and i did check it out again! i'm happy i did so...if for no other reason than to be able to put it on my shelfari :)

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