Tuesday, August 19, 2008


i have always loved target's plastic bags. they have a texture that no other bags have. they seem more durable, but still light weight. it's a great combo. but, they have added another feature that makes me love them even more! if you pay close attention, there is a list of 10 ways to reuse your target bag on the side! there are some really good ideas.

1. tiny trash can liner
2. doggy duty
3. water balloon
4. road trip rubbish
5. soggy laundry
6. ice pack
7. toiletry tote
8. kitty litter liner
9. tomorrow's lunchbag
10. care package padding

now that it has given me all these suggestions, i don't think i'll ever throw one away until i've reused it! way to be green target! and watch out for my gigantic water balloons everyone!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

half dome

i've been doing some pretty amazing things this summer, but this was definitely the most amazing thing of them all. my mom, dad, melissa and i went backpacking in yosemite. i'll let the pictures tell the story...
me and melissa! this is at the very beginning. we just put our packs on and are headed for the trail head! we're in for a long couple of days...we just don't know it yet.

mel, me, dad and mom at happy isles trail head. and we're off!

one of many water/picture breaks! in this picture you can see nevada falls in the background. isn't melissa a cute little hiker?

nearing the end of day one. we made it to nevada falls. and really mom? real mature...haha

we reached little yosemite valley! or LYV as i like to call it. we'll camp here for the night. looks like dad needs a break...

a sampling of the wildlife we saw while on the hike. this is day two, after a terrible nights sleep. the advil pm was not adequate. but i'm ready for some more hiking! dad and i left mom and mel behind and mad our way to half dome. the animals we saw weren't scared of us at all. the deer was so close i didn't even use the zoom. we saw marmots at the top like the one on the right. this one was a little obnoxious. he was literally eating out of our hands! but so cute! so of course we sacrificed our own stomachs for this fat one.

we paused before getting to the top. part one is over and we are about to embark on the granite steps. can you believe went to the top of this?

granite steps were tough, but i was just about scared stiff on this part! it was so steep! i was basically pulling myself up the whole way!

view from the top! we made it! now we just have to get down...

i had to take one last pictures as we started downhill. look how tiny those people are!

the hikers! we're almost finished! it's downhill the whole way from here. do we look tired yet?

bucket list

i was looking through some of my old stuff and came across my fifth grade "life list." it's the bucket list i made myself back in 2000. some of them i've already done (probably the only ones i ever will do) like;

become nocturnal (college really helped me with this one)
type over fifty words a minute (i don't know many people who can't...)
do the splits
go on point
do not do drugs (yes that was on my life list...)

some of the things i will never do! i'm not really sure why they made the list...

be a well known pianist (i don't even know how to play)
grow my hair until it reaches my feet (did i know myself?)
be the richest woman in the world (i wish...)
be the first woman president (i was hoping hillary would beat me to it)
be neat and organized (HA!)
climb the five tallest mountains in the world (not remotely interested...)
visit all the countries in the world (i might still do this if i become the richest woman in the world)
and photograph wild animals (listed were field mice and ants)

the most interesting part of reading this list was realizing how little i knew myself and what i thought i would be like in the future. i was totally wrong, maybe naive, or maybe just stupid.

there are still some things on the list that i would still like to accomplish, but overall, i think i've outgrown this life list. i guess i should start working on a new one...

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville! Danville!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

band of brothers

i just finished watching the band of brothers series. it was so good! today alone i watched four episodes. i just couldn't stop! i don't know what i'm going to do now that i'm done though. it made me laugh and it made me cry. i loved that each episode was totally different because they each had different writers and directors. i really got to know and love the men of easy company. this series comes highly recommended by me.